Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Round 5 - Holiday 1

Hi everyone. I'm SO glad to be back. I have been without internet at home for 6 months and frankly it's about killed me. Now I shall attempt to catch up my blogs. I am currently playing round seven (although I have paused for a bit to play another neighborhood). I didn't take very good notes until I started round six. So...I guess I'll just look at my notes and do the best I can from memory. Hopefully it will work out ok.

House 2 - The Holiday Family

Andre Holiday (family-grilled cheese), his wife Patrice Faststein Holiday (knowledge-grilled cheese), son Roman Holiday (popularity-fortune), son Welsh Holiday (grow up), and daughter Summer Holiday (grow up).

When last we met: The family started a garden and earned a wishing well, Aspen headed off to college, Roman became a teen, Welsh became a child, Summer was born and Andre started planning for child number ten. (I was off on the baby count last time because I forgot to add in Aspen the alien offspring. Andre's kids: Destin, Dakota, Danton, Jazz, Venice, Aspen, Roman, Welsh, Summer and one to go.)

With big brother Aspen out of the way, Roman finally gets his chance to use the wishing well. His good luck brought him one Aroha Te Waiata. The couple have three bolts and Roman plans to take the lovely Aroha with him to university.

Little Summer Holiday becomes a toddler. She is a cancer with 9 neat, 3 outgoing, 9 active, 4 playful and 6 nice. Finally some nice points. The neighborhood could really use them.

Andre reaches the top of the education field. The is the first and only career Andre will be attempting. His family needs the high income and he needs to help raise his brood of kids not try out a new career.

The next day Andre is demoted due to a stupid chance card. I don't remember what it was but I remember it was stupid. But no worries, Andre is promoted again by the end of the round so all is well. Actually better than well with the double bonus for topping the field twice.

And once again another little Holiday is making its way into the world. Andre has obviously been through this a time or two or ten so he doesn't even bother to look up from his spaghetti dinner. If I was Patrice I'd make him pay for that later.

Baby number ten is another little girl. The final daughter of Andre & Patrice is named Christmas Holiday.

With the baby birthing out of the way, Patrice finally manages to reach the top of her career and becomes a criminal mastermind. Patrice will not be doing a second career either. The house was to full for me to mess with second careers.

Summer and Welsh become fast friends while playing with blocks. I love this table thingy. Such a nice idea.

Roman plays chess with his nephew Bristol. Bristol is the son of his oldest brother Destin and his wife Hedwig Busto. Not that you probably couldn't tell that just from looking.

At some point it was decided that Roman Holiday would be the heir for the main Holiday House. Roman is the first child that Andre and Patrice had together.

Christmas Holiday becomes a toddler. Christmas is a scorpio with 10 neat, 3 outgoing, 9 active, 9 playful & 1 nice. More paper stealers from the Holiday family.

Summer becomes a child. She reminds me a lot of her older sister Venice. It's probably because the have the same custom skin tone.

We end the season with Roman having a few wishing well friends to dinner. Roman then leaves for college with his girl friend Aroha. Roman will be home in the spring and ready to take over the Holiday household.

To recap:

Andre Holiday - family/grilled cheese - wants 6 grandkids - has 10 kids and 4 grandkids.

Patrice Holiday - knowledge/grilled cheese - permanently platinum

Roman Holiday - popularity/fortune - wants to be The Law - off to college

Welsh Holiday - child

Summer Holiday - child

Christmas Holiday - toddler

1 comment:

ciyrose said...

Christmas is a rather pretty little girl. I don't blame you for not messing with multiple careers.