Friday, July 4, 2008

Round 4 - Burton House

The Burton House: Ashley Burton (Pleasure/Family) & her daughter Ria - Kelly Burton (Popularity/Grilled Cheese) and her twin daughters Jala (Family/Knowledge) & Bailey (Fortune/Romance) - and Jackie Burton Monterey's twins Sawyer & Sasha.

Back at the Burton house, Ashley is back to dating in her attempt to get 50 first dates. She's dating friends at the moment to get up her mood since she can't get pregnant twice. In a strange post FT glitch, when these two tried to woohoo in the car, the had a jump bug type occurrence where they jumped out of the car and became invisible. It was the darnedest thing I'd ever seen. I finally made Ashley sit in a chair and then used the moveObjects cheat to delete the chair. That popped her back to visible just in time to give birth. Danton stayed invisible wandering the lot for some time. Bringing the roses after the dream date seemed to bring him back into view. Basically, car woohoo is out for me post FT. Every time I try it I get one glitch or another. I just wish there was a way to make them stop rolling the want for it.

Jackie and Austin's twins became teens. Sawyer is a Pleasure/Grilled Cheese sim who wants to be a celebrity chef.

His sister Sasha is a romance/pleasure sim who wants to have 20 loves. BTW, this is the last house where I gave the teens two aspirations. My personal opinion is that teens don't have it together enough for two aspirations. Mine only seemed to roll small wants which left them bottoming out constantly. Now I wait until they or a sophomore or better in college before rolling a 2nd aspiration. Sometimes they might not even get one.

Shortly after becoming visible, Ashley gave birth to TWINS. Meet Justice and Jordan Burton. Justice is a boy and Jordan a girl. Hard to tell with a unisex naming theme going on. Now if your really paying attention you will have realized that the twins put the household total to nine. I was shocked when she had twins but thinking back I'm pretty sure she may have gotten into some cheese cake while visiting a neighboring house. For a while there she was coming home from work with everyone in town. It's either that or I just don't know what happened.

With the babies born it's back to dating. With nine in the house we are still safe from risky woohoo.

Sasha takes time from her college prep schedule to fall in love with Amar Hamilton. He's a 3 bolter and heading to college with her.

The newest twins become toddlers. Justice is an aries with 5 neat, 8 outgoing, 6 active, 3 playful & 3 nice.

His sister Jordan is also an aries with 7 neat, 10 outgoing, 9 active, 3 playful & 2 nice. Where are all the nice kids in this neighborhood? Are there any?

Sawyer was trying to study for college when those pesky aliens grabbed him up. That's one more scholarship in the bag.

Ashley uses her recently earned wishing well to get some dream dates. All these tragic first dates are bringing her down.

The seldom mentioned Kelly Burton, who just recently became a celebrity chef thus permanently platinum (TYG!) uses the wishing well to make friends. You can never have to many you know.

No this isn't the same abduction and no I wasn't trying to get him abducted. Actually I had nothing to do with this. This is simply a case of I lose count of my simmies in a packed house. So answer me this, did FT unleash the aliens or something? I mean really, two abductions in one season without trying. What are the odds?

A very traumatized Sawyer uses the family wishing well to find love. He has a dream date with townie Iris Harlord. Iris is a 3 bolter so she's off to college with him too.

More first dates. Again Dakota winds up being dropped into so woman's lap. Bad Gypsy. Bad. Bad. Bad.

FINALLY, it's over. Ashley gets her 50th first date. Praise be. By the end I was a simmer on the edge.

With summer coming to a close, Jala, Bailey, Sawyer and Sasha head off to college bringing two townies with them. In case you're wondering, my teens have a four day rule. You must be a teen four days before you can head to college. So unless you age up the first day of the season, you will always have a full season of play time as a teen before going off to uni. I did that because I didn't like the way the kids where aging in my previous attempts at this challenge. This way suits me much better.

The Burton Family

  • Ashley Burton - adult - P.P. - working as an Education Minister
  • Ria Burton (daughter of Ashley & Cal Evans) - child
  • Justice Burton (son of Ashley & Orion Roswell) - toddler
  • Jordan Burton ( daughter of Ashley & Orion Roswell) - toddler
  • Kelly Burton - adult - P.P. - working as a Celebrity Chef
  • Jala Burton - teen - off to college
  • Bailey Burton - teen - off to college
  • Sawyer Burton - teen - off to college
  • Sasha Burton - teen - off to college

1 comment:

ASimWen said...

Boy you said a couple of entries ago that Uni was packed. It is REALLY packed now....