Friday, July 4, 2008

Round 4 - Evans House

The Evans Family: Cal Evans (Romance/Family), Shannon Burton Evans (Romance/Family), Truman Evans (Fortune teen), Parker Evans (Romance teen), MacKenzie Evans (child).

ALERT! BORING SNOOZEFEST AHEAD! Don't say I didn't warn you.

Back at the Evans house, Cal continues to work on the skills he needs to further his political goals. He's starting to get a collection of these little potted plants. Since I NEVER use this thing, it's kind of neat. Also, I was kind of bored.

ALERT! ALERT! Paper thief spotted. I told you Welsh Holiday was a paper thief in training.

The family got a wishing well (which is becoming old hat at this point) and Parker uses it to find her true love. She has 3 bolts with Janson Knight and she'll be taking him to college with her despite her ltw is to woohoo 20 sims.

Baby sister MacKenzie helps tend the garden. It was a hard day at school and she needs to work off all that frustration by pulling those weeds.

What are you two fussing about? Oh. You're just bored. You're mad at me because I'm limiting your woohoo. You think if you get in a big enough fight I might let you have make up woohoo. Dream on. Your both permanently platinum. No more woohoo for you. Until you become elders. Then you can do what you will.

Boredom drags Shannon to a second career. She is my first simmy to go into oceanography.

Turns out Cal is a natural science geek. Who'd have thunk it? He couldn't get enough of the star gazing. Luckily I finally realized that looking for constellations can be a good thing so no little green men. Or maybe it's a bad thing. As you can see, it was a boring summer. Maybe fall will be better. Yeah. I doubt it too.

The Evans House

  • Cal Evans - adult - Romance/Family - PP - working as a Judge
  • Shannon Burton Evans - adult - Romance/Family - PP - working as a Deep Sea Fisherman
  • Truman Evans - teen - fortune - earn 100k - off to college with no love interest
  • Parker Evans - teen - romance - 20 woohoos - off to college with teen love
  • MacKenzie Evans - child

1 comment:

ASimWen said...

Oceanography! Kewl! Looking for constallations so no little green man..heheheh!